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Mum's Chai Tea aims to offer an authentic

"just how mum makes it"

Indian tea experience, wherever you are.



Recipes passed down from generations of women who have each added their own special spices along the way is central to Mum's Chai Tea.

We use 100% authentic Indian spices. There are no instant powder mixes or artificial colours over here. We crush, grind and make our spice mix exactly how we’ve grown up seeing our mum make it. This is our way of ensuring your chai tea is fresh and captures the essence of what gets brewed in every Asian household.

All you need to do is grab your favourite tea bag or loose leaves (we decided to stay clear of this national debate), your choice of milk and follow our brewing instructions. The good news is our chai spice mixes have been created to taste good with or without sugar.

We hope you enjoy our chai tea in the same we have and make many wonderful memories ‘over a cup of Mum’s Chai tea’.

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